Oh my goodness!! Time goes by way too fast. Madison will be 2 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe it. Today, at her doctor's appointment, she weighed 8lbs 8oz. Zander weighed 8lb. 8oz when he was born, but she still seems a lot littler to me. She won't be wearing newborn clothes for much longer. I don' t remember Zander growing this quickly. Maybe that's because this will probably be my last baby. I do have to say, though, I had a really hard time putting away my maternity clothes this time. I was going to box them up to put with all of the other stuff that I have sitting in my garage for a yard sale, but I just couldn't do it, not yet anyway. It just seems so final to get rid of them and even though there many reasons I don't think I will be having another child, it is hard to look at Zander and Madison and not want to have another baby. I guess that we will have to wait a little while and see. Ask me in a year or two when I have two toddlers running around or when Madison starts teething!! When that time comes I may be ready for it to be final. Anyway, this last week has been pretty crazy with doctor's appointments for me and Madison and a sick child. Monday Zander was acting really quiet and kind of just wanted to lay around and not do a whole lot. By Monday night, he had a little bit of a fever. Then on Tuesday, not long after we got up for the day, he started puking all over everything!! It was so crazy. I was trying to take care of Madison and get her fed and at the same time trying to run Zander into the bathroom and then chasing after him with a bucket full of Pine Sol to clean the furniture, floors, and everywhere else he was getting sick. The rest of the week was much better though. We had appointments almost every morning, but after we were done at them, we went to the park by our church to have lunch. They have a free lunch there everyday during the week for the kiddos, so I took Zander to eat and get out some energy(he sure has had enough of it lately). It has been nice to get out of the house even if it is only for a little while. I was starting to get cabin fever bad. Although we are all still getting used to there being a new baby around, things are finally starting to return to normal, or as normal as they get around my house!!