Well, we got some good news this morning. We got a phone call from the doctor's office after we took Madison in this morning to have her blood drawn. Her biliruben levels were down to 12, so no more biliblanket!! Yeah!! That thing was such a pain in the butt. I'm very thankful that her levels went down so fast, especially considering how high they were just 2 days ago. Everything else is going great. Zander is absolutely in love with his little sister. He constantly wants to hold her and kiss her. He also really likes trying to help change her diaper, but I usually try to change it really quickly before he notices because when he helps, it usually ends up taking a lot longer and she ends up pooping all over me and everything else. I'm really happy that he is adjusting to the change so well. After the first couple of days I was very anxious, but everything is going even better than I thought it would. We are so blessed!!
I am glad to hear that she is doing better! Those two are such cuties? When is Zayne coming to meet his sister?
Hooray for no more blanket! Parker had to be on it for a WEEK! That would have been nice to just have a few days!
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