Today was absolutely nuts. My morning started off perfectly. I got up early this morning so that I could take a shower before Jason went to work (yesterday, I had to wait until 2 p.m. when my mom came over and kept an eye on the kids for me while I took a quick shower). I was looking forward to spending some girlie time with Alisha, my sister-in-law, while Zander and Taylor, her daughter played. I had myself and both the kids dressed by 9 a.m. I was pretty proud of myself, especially since this was only the second day I have had both Zander and Madison by myself.

Alisha, Taylor, and Parker got here at about 12:45 so I was just able to say hello and then I had to run to my appointment. I didn't think that we would be gone for very long, so Alisha and the kids stayed here to play while I was gone. I ended up being at the doctor's office until 3:30. Dr. Trotter was right--Madison was a little jaundice and she must have been getting worse since Tuesday. When we saw him on Tuesday she wasn't that yellow and the whites of her eyes were still white, so he didn't even draw her blood. However, today, Madison's eyes were pretty yellow along with the rest of her. 
I'm glad that my mom noticed and made me call the doctor's office right away to schedule an appointment because her biliruben levels were at 16.5, not far off from having to be put in the hospital. So after we got done at the doctor's office, I had to go and pick up a bili blanket. Needless to say, I didn't get to spend much time with Alisha. By the time I got home, it was just about time for her to leave and the kids were getting pretty grouchy anyway. The blanket is really kind of cool and I'm glad that Madison's not in the hospital, but the blanket is a pain. She has to be on it all the time except when she's eating or being changed. My poor baby!! It doesn't seem to bother her at all,though. I think that she likes the warmth from the lights. 
On a good note, when Madison was weighed today, she weighed 7 lbs. 10 oz. so she has gained back almost all of the weight that she had lost when she was weighed on Tuesday, almost 6 oz. And I was worried that she wasn't eating enough. Zander is also getting used to there being a baby in the house. I think he has also realized that Jason and I still love him just as much as we did before Madison joined our family. I'm glad that things are settling down a little bit at least.
Don't stress too much about not spending time with come before 'mommy' time and she needed to get the blanket and get better!
Zander looks soooo happy to be holding his little sister!
I hated the bili blanket, luckily Keegan only had to have it for about a week. I hope she gets better fast so you can get rid of it.
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